Hello! So I just started printing my SP11 clock a few hours ago, and I've been trying to source the electronics and hardware for it.
I live in Greece and I can't find the yellow RTC you show on the documentation, but I found this one:
and according to the website where I found this pinout "The DS3231 module is available in two different types on the market. There is actually no difference between the two types in terms of functionality and operation, and only the appearance and pin assignments are different." So I guess it's going to work if I connect the first four pins to the CNC Shield v4 and do edits #4 and #5 like this (pretty much swap 5V with SCL):
What do you think about my plan? Is it going to work?
It should work since it appears to use the same DS3231 module. You might even be able to use 4 connections from the 16 pin socket instead of the 4 posts.
Remove the 32K and SQW posts from the clock module. It might be easiest to remove the plastic retainer, clip the pins close to the RTC board, then replace the retainer. Plug your board into the socket pins highlighted in bright pink.
I see no reason why this won't work, although I have not tested it.