I decided to go with the black rather than the red cnc board; in addition to skipping the edits to the red board, do the direction and speed jumpers need to be made as shown in figure 3? thanks
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The only edit that can be skipped with the black board is edit #1. Edit #2 is still needed to bring 5V over to Vmot so the motor will run on the 5V USB power supply. It is almost as easy to do edit #1 and edit #2 at the same time using a single wire.
Edit #3 is also needed to bring the I2C port down to the header where the RTC can plug into. Edit #5 on the RTC module is also required.
All of the new versions of the algorithm use the speed jumpers. No soldering is required. Just plug in some of the jumpers that were removed from under the TMC2208.