Steve, Just finished the large stepper clock (sp9) and have the speed jumpers set to 0100 on the shield board and the clock is loosing about 3 sec per min. I have read your thread and have it set as shown.
AFAIK there are only two common stepper motor wiring styles. The motor datasheets often label the wires as A+, A-, B+, and B-. It is easier to describe the wires by labeling them as 1 through 4. The wire order for the two wiring styles are either 1-2-3-4 or 1-3-2-4.
Most 1.8 degree motors are wired 1-2-3-4 and would use the header pins closest to the TMC2208.
The StepperOnline 0.9 degree motors are wired 1-3-2-4 and need to use the header pins further away from the TMC2208, similar to the picture posted by Dave.
The Silent Shield Clock Controller makes it easy to switch between motor types. Try one location. If the motor twitches back and forth, try the other location.
I should probably add a picture to the assembly guide to make it more obvious. Here is a picture showing the 4 jumper pins used with the latest algorithm. The left most jumper is not used.
The latest assembly guide has the following table:
SP10 with 400 step motors should populate the jumpers as 0010 which would be out, out, in, and out from left to right.
Steve, actually I am confused re which of the jumpers do what and where they should be to set the speed and direction of the stepper motor...should all jumpers other than those specific ones be removed when not debugging? thanks
Steve, I think I have found the problem. I loaded the newer sketch (v 1.05) and that seem to resolve the issue.
Steve, Just finished the large stepper clock (sp9) and have the speed jumpers set to 0100 on the shield board and the clock is loosing about 3 sec per min. I have read your thread and have it set as shown.
I don't know which stepper motor you are using for the one I have set the correct speed using the pins farthest to the right .
Here is a picture showing the pins if you use the recommended
Nema 17 Stepper Motor 0.9deg
Steve, the photo was a big help, thanks...
I did the out out in out from left to right it makes no difference clock is too fast, two rotations per minute.
What does MSB and LSB do which one slows the clock.
I should probably add a picture to the assembly guide to make it more obvious. Here is a picture showing the 4 jumper pins used with the latest algorithm. The left most jumper is not used.
The latest assembly guide has the following table:
SP10 with 400 step motors should populate the jumpers as 0010 which would be out, out, in, and out from left to right.
Steve, actually I am confused re which of the jumpers do what and where they should be to set the speed and direction of the stepper motor...should all jumpers other than those specific ones be removed when not debugging? thanks