Here's some data that may be interesting concerning the accuracy of this clock thus far.
Clock with NIST, with the following results:
Clock Watch NIST Watch 8:00:00 8:00:00.00 8:10:00 8:09:59.38 8:01:00 8:00:59.89 8:11:00 8:10:59.42 8:02:00 8:01:59.99 8:12:00 8:11:59.39 8:03:00 8:03:00:00 8:13:00 8:12:59.24 8:04:00 8:03:59.90 8:14:00 8:13:59.39
Average of five measurements: 8:00:00 7:59:59.956 8:00:00 7:59:59.364
So the clock is now ahead of NIST by 0.956 - 0.364 = 0.592 seconds.
We started the clock speed test on 02/17/22 so now the results so far are:
03/04/22 02/17/22
Clock Time 07:59.59.956 12:00:00.176
NIST Time 07:59:59.364 11:59:59.774
Difference 0.592 second 0.402 second
So the clock is now ahead of NIST by 0.592 seconds and it was originally ahead of NIST by 0.402 seconds, so it has actually gained only 0.592 - 0.402 = 0.190 seconds in 03/04/22 - 02/17/22 = 14.83333 days. So the clock is running fast by 0.190/14.8333 = 0.0128 sec/day = 12.8 ms/day = 0.39 sec/month = 4.68 sec/year.
Your accuracy may vary due to climate conditions in your location, and time of year. We expect to do another calibration in a few months.
I have printed two SP6 clocks one with the original driver and one with the V4 checked time after running for 34 days the original driver clock is accurate to 3 seconds slow and the V4 clock is to close to count. I am very happy with the results.
Steve using the black and yellow shield V4 would you still need to short the two pins on the DS3231.
Steve: I have the black and yellow CNC shield V4 would the driver code have to be changed to run the clock.
The silent clock with the original controller and a TPU hub gear you cannot hear anything.
If you want the silent clock to be silent, make the hub gear out of TPU what a difference it is suuuuuper quiet.
Steve: I downloaded what I thought by the description was the Silent Clock with the new base for the CNC shield V4 but it was not. thanks Norm
Steve: I printed gear 1 and 2 at 100.5% they mesh better and the clock is quieter. Working good.
I have finished the Silent Clock built the motor controller uploaded the ino to the Ardunio clock runs but second hand is gerty and the stepper motor is noisy.
Steve which stepper motor did you use in the silent clock
Got the txt converted and uploaded to the Nano board
Steve having problem changing txt to a sketch surly you have a sketch that you can send instead have the clock finished and ready to run. thanks Norm
Steve I was wondering if you could send a sketch for the Arduino instead of the Algorithm, having problem getting it to cut and paste.
Our thermostat keeps our temperature very close to 74 degrees. So that probably helps the stability quite a bit. We did make the measurements visually, but for every measurement we took five and averaged to get a little better fractions of a second. We used a stopwatch for both the clock measurements and the measurements of the NIST time standard signals at
Wow, that is really awesome data. I am interested to know how you collected the data. Did you use instrumentation to get accurate measurements? I usually just look at the time when the second hand crosses a certain position, then quickly look at a digital clock. It is only accurate to about a second or two.
Your numbers are quite impressive. I expect it would drift a bit as the seasons change and the average ambient temperature shifts slightly.
I am starting to run low on the first batch of 100 circuit boards selling on Etsy. My goal is to re-design it slightly for the next batch so a small real time clock can be added. Calibration would no longer be needed. Accuracy would be about a minute per year with a precision RTC.