Hi there,
I have been printing 3d clocks for about a year now all of which I have designed and built from first principles, most of which have been electric using Arduino Nano, and the 28BYJ-48 stepper. All have been working fine. However, the stepper motor used is not very accurate and giving +or- one min in 24hours.
I have recently downloaded the files for Steve's SP5 I must say the documentation is excellent.
I will download the SP6 in the next few days but i have one question for Steve. What is the best stepper motor to use as there are many nema 17 motor to choose from?
Would i be correct in selecting model # 17HS 13-0404s1. to run the SP6 ?
Any help and advise would be much appreciated
Many Thanks
I just updated the links at https://www.stevesclocks.com/sp6 to include better references pointing to the controller. Refresh the page and download the CNC Shield V4 Addendum showing the full details on how to build the controller using parts from Amazon. Eventually, I designed a smaller custom board. There is a link to Etsy for the new controller with options for bare boards or fully programmed and ready to plug in to the clock.