I recently bought the design for SP6, which I think is beautiful. I've had no problem printing the base, motor mount, and even back frame piece. However, I'm really struggling with Gear 2--it took me awhile to get the first layer down properly, I've had more than a dozen failed prints. Now I'm able to get the first couple layers down but there are teeth sporadically around that start to peel up after only a few layers. Has anyone else experienced this? What can I do to help? I'm printing on an Ender 3 V2 with Hatchbox PLA filament. First layer Nozzle at 215C and Bed at 70C, next layers Nozzle at 205C and Bed at 60C.
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Hi Greg,
I print on an ender 5.
I have had this problem on mine and it has always been associated with the adhesion of the first layer and this is usually associated with incorrect bed levelling and/or dirty bed.
I usually run some isopropyl alcohol on my bed every now and then and also level the bed very carefully.
On some of the smaller gears which do not have a lot of surface area for adhesion, I sometimes use blue painters masking tape on the bed. This has always great adhesion even to the point of making it difficult to take the printed piece off the printer.
Hope that this helps.